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Breeding Academy in Seed Valley


This week, Enkhuizen will be the stage for the European Plant Breeding Academy, a two-year study programme for plant breeders. This international Masters programme is one of the measures being taken by seed companies in response to the looming shortage of highly qualified breeders.

Among the students at the European Plant Breeding Academy are employees of Syngenta in France and Israel, and Monsanto (Seminis) in Spain. The other participants are from seed companies in Germany, Belgium, Finland and Thailand.

The study programme is organised by the University of California in Davis (US). The lectures and practical course components will be delivered within the Enkhuizen-based Seed Valley firms Enza Zaden, Incotec and Syngenta, and the inspection and quality service Naktuinbouw. Professionals from these firms will give guest lectures and demonstrations.

Download the full press release.

The Seed Valley Picasa album contains photos of the European Plant Breeding Academy.

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